Just Another Conservative Rant!!!

Sunday, October 31, 2004

"W" Spells Victory!!!

Here it comes!!! Two days pre-election and I am biting my fingertips but the one thing that I am very confident in is my candidate. He is a strong leader who has a vision on what he thinks is the right direction for this country. I know that I have complete trust in him and hope to god that the dumbocrats don't try to steal this election like they tried to in 2000. Momentum still seems to be with the President but I am not trying to be overconfident. I just can't imagine a world where we farm off our security to idiots like the French and the Germans. But as I sit here enjoying an Arturo Fuente Grande Reserve Hemingway edition I know that the Bush Campaign is working tiredlessly for you and me so that we don't have to live with four years of John Kerry. Don't forget that we all the power to change this. With the flip of a ballot it will be ours.

The polls have been tiring and so has the election, but just imagine what it is like for Mr. Bush himself. He knows how important it is to us that he wins. And he is working overtime to make our dream of four more years a reality. He sees the threat John Kerry poses to America. President Bush has seen what liberals can do to our beautiful country and god forbid they get power again!!! As we have seen with the latest Osama bin Laden tape, the way that John Kerry will respond to it lies in poll numbers. Kerry is a finger-in-the-wind liberal who has shown no leadership skills whatsoever. But this is someone that at least 45% of the American people are willing to accept as an alternative to what we currently have today!!! WOW!!! That is all that I have to say. What the hell is wrong with these people. Well the bottom line is that we have 2 days to get to the finish-line first. If we don't we have to face the wrath of the liberals.

Bottom line though is if you look at the polling data, John Kerry has never lead this race. It has been all Bush all the time. So he needs to keep it up for two more days. And by-god I think that he has it in him. For both you and me I sure hope so. But with the internals trending towards Bush and that being the same way the adminstration is seeing then it looks like on Tuesday we get 4 more years!!! God willing...

Reality is that my confidence is very high going in to these last 2 days. I think we have the leader in place that knows how to deal with the present issues. And I have placed my trust in President Bush and I know how many people have done the same. So whatever you can do to help him out in the next two days is mightly appreciated.

Good Luck and Godspeed President Bush!!! Four more years, please!!!


Sunday, October 24, 2004

Uncanny likeness of the Walking Dead!!! Posted by Hello

Can't Be My President!!!


It seems interesting to me that John Kerry’s posing as a conservative today!  If he is such proud democrat and what we would consider a proud liberal then what is the problem acting like one!  Seems to me that John Kerry and his pundits are beginning to understand that liberalism doesn’t win elections!  Conservative values always trumped liberalism and always will.  This is something that John Kerry’s people in his circles are beginning to understand.  The problem is that John Kerry is a liberal and his record reflects that!


On John Kerry’s return from Vietnam he decided to speak out against the war he fought in.   My problem isn’t so much with his record during his Vietnam service.  My problem is more with his actions when he came back.  This is something that he hasn’t figured out a way to hide from the American people!  This is why he’s trying to block the viewing or should I say the showing of the movie “Stolen Honor”; that from all accounts truly depicts his actions during and after the war.  He is a self proclaimed baby killer.  This is something normally; you wouldn’t be very excited about.  But John Kerry didn’t only indict himself, he indicted his fellow soldiers.  And for what?  What did it accomplish?  It took people like John Kerry ten years to convince the American people that the Vietnam War was a mistake.  For all intents and purposes we won the war but because of weak leadership that pulled us out we lost the battle!  John Kerry’s actions 30 years ago are reprehensible at best and disgusting at worst.  Instead of being ashamed of himself he decided that he will put his Vietnam record on the front burner.  But people like John O’Neill and John Corsi decided that American needed to know what John Kerry wasn’t going to tell them.  So they wrote a book called unfit for command.  And this book was on the New York Times bestseller list for two months.  According to John Kerry in his camp, it was filled with lies and untruths. And therefore, the American people shouldn’t be allowed to read it!


There are people out there that want to believe that John Kerry will be a stronger leader and George W. Bush in the war on terrorism. I don’t think that could be farther from the truth. You can’t even arrive at this from the fiction that John Kerry would like you to believe is his record! Think about it?  Every time John Kerry speaks, he follows up what he said by telling you that he has been consistent.  That is just an outright lie.  And John Kerry knows it!  Now that John Kerry has been exposed as a fraud it will be just a few more days until America makes a decision as to whether or not they can tolerate someone who can’t tell the truth! Strong leaders stick to their convictions week leaders will bow to any special interest that threatens to strip them of political power. This is why John Kerry cannot be trusted to be the next president of the United States.


There are lots of things I don’t understand about politics. I don’t understand why John Kerry one out into the woods in Ohio with bad camouflage on and pretended to shoot a boost out of the year trying to Woo a conservative voters. It seems to me like I said before that this man has decided that his base isn’t strong enough to elect him president that what he needs to take conservative votes to win this presidency.  This alone should make everybody aware of what John Kerry really is!  He’s an opportunist!  He’s a liberal!  He is the antithesis of what he wanted as a president of the United States.




Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Kerry Mistake!!!

So, now we can ascertain that using the fact that Dick Cheney's daughter, Mary, is a lesbian is a concerted effort on the side of the dumbocrats to smear the Bush campaign. What a despicable low for all democrats. This was one of the biggest mistakes the Kerry campaign has made so far. You can go down the list of mistakes but this one could cost him the election. Has senator Kerry forgotten that the country is divided? He has already sealed most of his base. But the undecided are the ones that will determine the outcome of this election. And to use such a horrible political tactic such as this is beyond the scope of what I thought dumbocrats were capable of!!!

Why did he bring that up? This is what you get when you hire on people like James Carville to run your campaign. They know Kerry can't win on issues so they resort to attacking the VP's daughter. Such a shame... it was almost embarrassing except for that fact that people like John Kerry don't really know what they really stand for. Picture John Kerry with the people that support him. Do you really think he would want to hang out with these people. PETA supporters and Greenpeace freaks? NO!!! But picture the base of George W. Bush, these are real people and they mean well and frankly, I believe George W. Bush is one of us. He just happens to be a member of one of the most influencial political families of this century!!!

Kerry knows he is losing ground. And a mistake like this could just be the nail in the coffin that we have all been looking for. GW' s performance tonight was spectacular and this will give us the momentum we need to go into these last 19 days and come out on top. The mentioning of Cheney's gay daughter was needless to say the least and tasteless to boot!!! Kerry will pay for his mistakes on November 2nd and that you can take to the bank!!!


Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The caption says it all... Posted by Hello

Sunday, October 03, 2004

If you screw up with Cheney I will slap you again!!! Posted by Hello

Cheney Will Eat Edward's Lunch!!!

So here we are again. The first debate made John Kerry look a little better to the American people. Let us not forget that the Bush campaign did an extrodinary job at defining the character of John Kerry. It is time to start that again!!! John Kerry didn't give any more clarity on his plan other than the fact that we will have to pass some sort of "global test" to protect the country!!! Now it is Edward's turn. Dick Cheney knows what he stands for and I don't think that John Edwards is going to be able to handle the onslaught of Vice President Cheney!!! And let us not forget that in the last five presidential debates that the winner of the first debate has not become the president. Thank god for that. Dick Cheney ate Lieberman lunch in the debate in 2000. Cheney is much more eloquent and comfortable under these conditions. I know that John Edwards is a trial lawyer and this and that. But the fact remains that Cheney has been doing this for four years and he knows how to debate someone. I am looking forward to this one.

If Cheney stays on message John Edwards won't know what to do. Obviously, Edwards has been on a milk carton for the last couple of weeks. They have been hiding him in a closet because he can't get the job done. I think the Kerry campaign made a strategic mistake in the choice of Edwards. They were looking for votes in the South and that has backfired because John Edwards doesn't hold the values of true Southerners. He is a liberal through and through!!! And that is Dick Cheney's job on Tuesday!!! Uncover the true liberal underneath what the Kerry campaign would like you to think was a moderate democrat who understands the common man. Let us not forget this a man who has made millions of the backs of the healthcare insurance industry that he says is to expensive. Wonder why?

Bottom line is this. Cheney knows that we were underprepared when it came to this first debate. That ain't gonna happen twice. His knowledge and expertise will overcome the pretty facade of Silky Pony!!! Cheney will eat his lunch on Tuesday and I look forward to it!!!


No John, you catch the football standing up!!! Posted by Hello

The First Debate!!!

So I was sitting here thinking to myself, self, what was the ultimate outcome of Thursday nights debate? In a sense, I must say that I was somewhat disappointed in the presidents performance. However, Kerry made, in my opinion, some rather large mistakes. One being his gaffe about the worldwide litmus test that must be used to determine whether this country will go to war or not. Another was some of the blatant lies that he told. Apparently, since he found that flip-flopping on issues doesn't work, he has now just decided to lie completely. Similar to what he did when he returned from Vietnam. See, old habits die hard!!!

So what was the ultimate reality of the debate? George W. Bush was presented with an opportunity to slam the door shut on the Kerry campaign and he didn't do it!!! However, in my opinion, Kerry accomplished virtually nothing. One of the major goals for him in the debate was to present a more "likeable" personae to the American people. He did not do that!!! He is by all means a good orator but nonetheless, that doesn't qualify you to be Commander-In-Chief now does it? What scares me is that we had a man in office just four years ago that was very eloquent when he spoke. The only problem was that most of the time he was lying to some degree or another. If the American voter chooses John F-ing Kerry to be our next President we will have put ourselves and the security of our country back in the same position we were in four years ago!!!

So soon we forget that the Clinton administration was fraught with scandal and a Kerry presidency will be no different. The debate taught us that John Kerry is still John Kerry. He is an opportunism. He is a finger-in-the-wind politician who will do anything for power. George W. Bush has held steadfast in his beliefs for the entire four years he has been our President. Let us keep in mind that John Kerry still hasn't given any specifics about his plans to change the direction of this nation. The only examples I can come up with are that he would pull our troops out of Iraq in 6-months and he would raise taxes on the rich. If that is what you stand for then vote for Kerry. But if it concerns you that John Kerry might farm out our national security to the likes of the French, the Russians and the Germans then you better vote for George W. Bush on November 2nd!!!

The liberal minutest and that of America's sometimes frightens me. When an admitted war criminal can rise the ranks of Presidential candidate you might have to begin questioning the sanity of his or hers party. Democrats choose John Kerry not because of who he is but on the sole basis that in the long run they had a better chance with him and not Howard Dean. The debates showed us that George W. Bush knows where he wants to take this country. John Kerry doesn't. We have to make sure that people like John Kerry don't win. And now we have the power to make sure this country doesn't fall into the wrong hands again!!! Make a good decision in November!!!
