Just Another Conservative Rant!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Kerry Mistake!!!

So, now we can ascertain that using the fact that Dick Cheney's daughter, Mary, is a lesbian is a concerted effort on the side of the dumbocrats to smear the Bush campaign. What a despicable low for all democrats. This was one of the biggest mistakes the Kerry campaign has made so far. You can go down the list of mistakes but this one could cost him the election. Has senator Kerry forgotten that the country is divided? He has already sealed most of his base. But the undecided are the ones that will determine the outcome of this election. And to use such a horrible political tactic such as this is beyond the scope of what I thought dumbocrats were capable of!!!

Why did he bring that up? This is what you get when you hire on people like James Carville to run your campaign. They know Kerry can't win on issues so they resort to attacking the VP's daughter. Such a shame... it was almost embarrassing except for that fact that people like John Kerry don't really know what they really stand for. Picture John Kerry with the people that support him. Do you really think he would want to hang out with these people. PETA supporters and Greenpeace freaks? NO!!! But picture the base of George W. Bush, these are real people and they mean well and frankly, I believe George W. Bush is one of us. He just happens to be a member of one of the most influencial political families of this century!!!

Kerry knows he is losing ground. And a mistake like this could just be the nail in the coffin that we have all been looking for. GW' s performance tonight was spectacular and this will give us the momentum we need to go into these last 19 days and come out on top. The mentioning of Cheney's gay daughter was needless to say the least and tasteless to boot!!! Kerry will pay for his mistakes on November 2nd and that you can take to the bank!!!



  • Pat Cadell (Dem strategist) said that it was directed at the minority voters (Black/Hispanic) that are strongly against gay marriage....I thought that was interesting --I thought he was aiming at the Evangelicals.
    Whatever the motive it was stupid (and cruel).
    I enjoyed reading through your site....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:02 PM  

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