Cheney Will Eat Edward's Lunch!!!
So here we are again. The first debate made John Kerry look a little better to the American people. Let us not forget that the Bush campaign did an extrodinary job at defining the character of John Kerry. It is time to start that again!!! John Kerry didn't give any more clarity on his plan other than the fact that we will have to pass some sort of "global test" to protect the country!!! Now it is Edward's turn. Dick Cheney knows what he stands for and I don't think that John Edwards is going to be able to handle the onslaught of Vice President Cheney!!! And let us not forget that in the last five presidential debates that the winner of the first debate has not become the president. Thank god for that. Dick Cheney ate Lieberman lunch in the debate in 2000. Cheney is much more eloquent and comfortable under these conditions. I know that John Edwards is a trial lawyer and this and that. But the fact remains that Cheney has been doing this for four years and he knows how to debate someone. I am looking forward to this one.
If Cheney stays on message John Edwards won't know what to do. Obviously, Edwards has been on a milk carton for the last couple of weeks. They have been hiding him in a closet because he can't get the job done. I think the Kerry campaign made a strategic mistake in the choice of Edwards. They were looking for votes in the South and that has backfired because John Edwards doesn't hold the values of true Southerners. He is a liberal through and through!!! And that is Dick Cheney's job on Tuesday!!! Uncover the true liberal underneath what the Kerry campaign would like you to think was a moderate democrat who understands the common man. Let us not forget this a man who has made millions of the backs of the healthcare insurance industry that he says is to expensive. Wonder why?
Bottom line is this. Cheney knows that we were underprepared when it came to this first debate. That ain't gonna happen twice. His knowledge and expertise will overcome the pretty facade of Silky Pony!!! Cheney will eat his lunch on Tuesday and I look forward to it!!!
If Cheney stays on message John Edwards won't know what to do. Obviously, Edwards has been on a milk carton for the last couple of weeks. They have been hiding him in a closet because he can't get the job done. I think the Kerry campaign made a strategic mistake in the choice of Edwards. They were looking for votes in the South and that has backfired because John Edwards doesn't hold the values of true Southerners. He is a liberal through and through!!! And that is Dick Cheney's job on Tuesday!!! Uncover the true liberal underneath what the Kerry campaign would like you to think was a moderate democrat who understands the common man. Let us not forget this a man who has made millions of the backs of the healthcare insurance industry that he says is to expensive. Wonder why?
Bottom line is this. Cheney knows that we were underprepared when it came to this first debate. That ain't gonna happen twice. His knowledge and expertise will overcome the pretty facade of Silky Pony!!! Cheney will eat his lunch on Tuesday and I look forward to it!!!
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