Anger? They Haven't Seen Anger Yet!!!
Here we go again!!! Liberals can't compete with us on issues so they fall back on the old liberal playbook. Conservatives are mean, angry people!!! They don't understand the common man. Does anyone really believe that John Kerry knows what it's like to be a common man? He is married to a woman worth $5 billion. Not common. Has 7 mansions, not common. Has a $250,000 speed boat, not common. See what I am saying? John Kerry has now had the audacity to accuse Vice President Cheney of avoiding Vietnam through deferment. Does John Kerry realize that Vietnam isn't a very strong issue for him anymore?
What does John Kerry stand for? No, seriously, I am asking because I can't figure it out. I think this discussion of John Kerry's war record is on purpose from his own campaign. Yeah, I know, really? But think about it. One of the main reasons that senators aren't normally elected to the office of the President is because they have a measurable voting record. John Kerry's voting record sure isn't going to get him the votes he needs to win the office. Sen. Zell Miller(D) said alot that I have been thinking for quite some time now!!! I understand that his speech was delivered with a hint of anger in it. But my god, he is mad and so am I!!! I am very tired of the large double-standards of the left. And I don't think that they have seen mad yet. Wait until November 2nd, this is when we will see anger. Anger at the Democrats and anger towards the intensely weak candidate they elected to represent them in the 2004 Presidential elections. Anger doesn't need to manifest itself through yelling and screaming. It will manifest itself with a George W. Bush victory in November. And then the Democrats will know exactly how angry the American people really are. Good riddance John Kerry!!!
What does John Kerry stand for? No, seriously, I am asking because I can't figure it out. I think this discussion of John Kerry's war record is on purpose from his own campaign. Yeah, I know, really? But think about it. One of the main reasons that senators aren't normally elected to the office of the President is because they have a measurable voting record. John Kerry's voting record sure isn't going to get him the votes he needs to win the office. Sen. Zell Miller(D) said alot that I have been thinking for quite some time now!!! I understand that his speech was delivered with a hint of anger in it. But my god, he is mad and so am I!!! I am very tired of the large double-standards of the left. And I don't think that they have seen mad yet. Wait until November 2nd, this is when we will see anger. Anger at the Democrats and anger towards the intensely weak candidate they elected to represent them in the 2004 Presidential elections. Anger doesn't need to manifest itself through yelling and screaming. It will manifest itself with a George W. Bush victory in November. And then the Democrats will know exactly how angry the American people really are. Good riddance John Kerry!!!
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