Just Another Conservative Rant!!!

Monday, August 09, 2004

John Kerry the Hypocrite!!!

You know... I am really baffled by the whole Kerry campaign. Can you explain to how he was so antiwar after he got back from Vietnam but now is using the war he was so vehemently against, as his stepping stone to the office of the president? What kind of logic is that? This just goes to show what a damn hypocrite this man really is!!!

After fighting in a war where a lot of Americans died; he came back and gave aid and comfort to the enemy. Telling us how horrible he was when he was there. Now, he wants us to believe that he is some sort of hero that we should elect. What the hell is really wrong with this guy?

When is John Kerry going to explain himself and the reason that any of us should actually vote for this man. He is running a campaign that it based on the left's hate for George Bush not the love of John Kerry. I think that many of the swing voters that are still on the fence will not vote for someone based on hatred. Most people... I hope... vote based on the issues!!!

Just remember, we have a very important decision to make this year. Are we going to vote for an opportunist or are we going to vote for a leader? I know who I am voting for... do you?


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