Just Another Conservative Rant!!!

Friday, July 02, 2004

Let's Hear Some Positivity...

It seems to me that over the past couple weeks both parties have been a little too negative for my taste. I am sick of liberals... there is no doubt in my mind about that fact. Actually, when I talk about negativity, I am almost exclusively talking about the left. They feed on negativity to promote their agenda. Most of us on the right are aware of this. Today, I was sitting in Jiffy Lube and on the television was CNN/Headline News. They were going on about how x-amount of soldiers have died since major combat missions were pronounced to be over. To my left was an average college student who, by stereotype, I would have pinned to be more liberal. Well, he surprised the hell out of me when he turned to me and said, "Can you believe the shit the liberal media is still spewwing?" I was floored! My faith in America was reassured with that eloquent statement. He told me of many friends and family that are serving in Iraq right now. He said these guys get home and tell him quite a different story of what is going on in Iraq. He told me that his brother just got back from Iraq and said when soldiers walk the streets people randomly come up to them just to thank them for all they did. When was the last time you heard that on CNN? Well, I am here to tell you, second hand, that it is happening. And with the coming of the July 4th holiday, I think it is important to realize we are celebrating our independence. Some time from now, Iraqis will be doing the same thing. And thank god that George W. Bush had the foresight to see how important this freedom is.

I have seen a lot of things to be negative about in the last couple of weeks. But the fact remains that negativity never created a job or freed an oppressed people. Positivity has, however, created nations where people can live their lives free of oppression. We live in a country founded on optimism and many times throughout our daily lives we forget about this. We take our freedom for granted a lot! But when you take a look and see how good you have it it all becomes awfully clear. Odds are you didn't get to where you are today with a pessimistic outlook on your life. John Kerry hasn't said anything positive in the last couple weeks but George W. Bush has. Take this into account the next time you think John Kerry is your man!!!



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