Just Another Conservative Rant!!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Is America ready for Communism?

Well, the fact of the matter is that with the addition of Hillary Clinton as the possible Veep candidate, America needs to ready themselves for the idea of Communism infiltrating our everyday lives. Yes, I said it. John Kerry and Hillary Clinton are in awe of the Communist Manifesto. The Kerry campaigns slogan, "Let America be America again" is an indirect quote from a poem written by Langston Hughes. An admitted Marxist. And Hillary's Universal Health care program and recent quotes at fundraisers saying that she will take back the wealth of the wealthy, solidifying the claim that she is nothing more than a glorified Communist.

You know what scares the hell our of me is that these two people have a valid chance at running the country. It is truth that Reagan took down Russia. But the fact remains that Russian Communists planted many seeds here in America. The two seeds, which have grown up some are Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. We might have taken down Russia but we haven't stopped Communism yet. Think back to the agenda of the left and you will see a pattern beginning. I can't for the life of me imagine what the two of them would do to the country. This all worries me but it also builds my resolve to make sure that neither of them make it to the White House.

The bottom line here is that with the reality of a Kerry-Clinton ticket becoming something of a reality. We need to focus our attention on what really drives the thought process behind these two. They want nothing more than to take your money and give it to someone who doesn't deserve it. As a matter of fact, they actually feel entitled to take your money. Remember, it isn't yours it theirs. And if they want more, believe me when I say, they will take it at will.

At the heart of the matter is that America isn't ready, nor does America want a Communist duo in the White House. But I am not trying to be funny when I say this. I am dead serious. Don't let the two of them fool you on their true agenda for America. Communism kills and it will be the road we end up on with a Kerry-Clinton ticket. God save us!!!

Stop the two Communist before it's too late!!!



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