Just Another Conservative Rant!!!

Sunday, October 03, 2004

The First Debate!!!

So I was sitting here thinking to myself, self, what was the ultimate outcome of Thursday nights debate? In a sense, I must say that I was somewhat disappointed in the presidents performance. However, Kerry made, in my opinion, some rather large mistakes. One being his gaffe about the worldwide litmus test that must be used to determine whether this country will go to war or not. Another was some of the blatant lies that he told. Apparently, since he found that flip-flopping on issues doesn't work, he has now just decided to lie completely. Similar to what he did when he returned from Vietnam. See, old habits die hard!!!

So what was the ultimate reality of the debate? George W. Bush was presented with an opportunity to slam the door shut on the Kerry campaign and he didn't do it!!! However, in my opinion, Kerry accomplished virtually nothing. One of the major goals for him in the debate was to present a more "likeable" personae to the American people. He did not do that!!! He is by all means a good orator but nonetheless, that doesn't qualify you to be Commander-In-Chief now does it? What scares me is that we had a man in office just four years ago that was very eloquent when he spoke. The only problem was that most of the time he was lying to some degree or another. If the American voter chooses John F-ing Kerry to be our next President we will have put ourselves and the security of our country back in the same position we were in four years ago!!!

So soon we forget that the Clinton administration was fraught with scandal and a Kerry presidency will be no different. The debate taught us that John Kerry is still John Kerry. He is an opportunism. He is a finger-in-the-wind politician who will do anything for power. George W. Bush has held steadfast in his beliefs for the entire four years he has been our President. Let us keep in mind that John Kerry still hasn't given any specifics about his plans to change the direction of this nation. The only examples I can come up with are that he would pull our troops out of Iraq in 6-months and he would raise taxes on the rich. If that is what you stand for then vote for Kerry. But if it concerns you that John Kerry might farm out our national security to the likes of the French, the Russians and the Germans then you better vote for George W. Bush on November 2nd!!!

The liberal minutest and that of America's sometimes frightens me. When an admitted war criminal can rise the ranks of Presidential candidate you might have to begin questioning the sanity of his or hers party. Democrats choose John Kerry not because of who he is but on the sole basis that in the long run they had a better chance with him and not Howard Dean. The debates showed us that George W. Bush knows where he wants to take this country. John Kerry doesn't. We have to make sure that people like John Kerry don't win. And now we have the power to make sure this country doesn't fall into the wrong hands again!!! Make a good decision in November!!!



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