Just Another Conservative Rant!!!

Monday, September 13, 2004

Unpatriotic Liberals???

This is getting ridiculous!!! I am going to finally step out on a ledge here and make this statement. Liberals really are not patriots. I don't have any problem saying that liberals are unpatriotic. These people don't understand what it takes to keep this country safe. Are they really trying to tell me that John Kerry could do this better? He can't even make up his mind on whether he is for or against the damn war in Iraq. In front of veterans he is for the war but would do everything different. Two weeks ago he said he agreed with President Bush's decision to go to war even though WMD's haven't been found. This is getting too tough for such an intellegent person like me to follow. Everytime Vice President Cheney says something about John Kerry he is said to be attacking the patriotism of John Kerry. Well, duh!!! That is the point. He is unpatriotic. He didn't have the fortitude to stay in Vietnam. He was scared. The left likes to bring up the fact that Cheney didn't serve in Vietnam because of deferments; five to be exact. But no one in the press speaks of Kerry's request to be deferred from the war also. Huh, wonder why? Instead Kerry goes out there and talks of his "2" tours of duty in Vietnam!!! I call bullshit here. Kerry served on cruiser hundreds of miles from the shores of Vietnam for one year. He then joined the Swiftees because he thought he would be safe. See, this is why the people are having a tough time supporting him. You might not like George W. Bush but the fact remains that he has not waivered from his position. This is because he strong in his core beliefs. What are Kerry's core beliefs? Well, you have to find out who he is in front of. This is the only way to find out where he stands when it comes to on any issue.

So why do I say liberals are unpatriotic? Look at how they would deal with the war on terror. John Kerry has stood in front of his supporters telling us that he would have a coalition put together and that we wouldn't shoulder the whole financial weight of the war. But for starters, we have a coalition!!! Why is it not a coalition if the Russians and the Germans and the French aren't involved? Don't you think that Kerry has demeaned all of the countries who have supported us? I do!!! Why does he think that German, France and Russia have any vested interest in our safety? I don't think they really care!!! Maybe after the events of last week the Russians have a better understanding of our decision to go to war with the terrorists!!! But by no means am I willing to place the protection of this nation and my family in the hands of the United Nations. However, John Kerry is willing to do this!!! Apparently, according to his methodology we won't attack unless attacked. In my mind that means our citizens have to die first before we can protect ourself. Bullshit!!! I know in my heart of hearts that the only way we can keep ourselves and this great country safe is by killing the terrorist before they kill us. This is why I find liberals to be unpatriotic. They are more concerned with how other countries view us then they are with the safety of the country that allows them to have decenting views they possess. That is not patriotism!!! A true patriot will do what ever he or she needs to do to protect the homeland. We can not afford to look weak. Who the hell cares what France thinks? France can go fuck themselves. Apparently they don't have the intestinal fortitude to protect their own people!!! But you know what???We have a President that does and thank God for that!!!

Liberals are unpatriotic simply because they obviously don't possess the common sense it takes to realize what is important here. The protection of our country and it's citizens is tanemount this year. This election is the most important of our time so take it seriously. Stop thinking that America will be fine. Don't forget the severity of September 11th and it's effects on this country. And don't forget that John Kerry has his own personal agenda and America's protection doesn't seem to fit into it. He seems more concerned with after-school programs for children than the protection of this country. Guess what John Kerry, if we don't protect this country there will be no need for after-school programs!!! Does it makes sense now? Patriots love their country and those that inhabit it.

John Kerry is no patriot, liberals aren't patriots. The national decisions made in defense of this country are far more important than whether or not children's school lunches are cheaper for crack-addicted homeless immigrants. Geez, what the hell has happened to people that think this way? I know patriots, my grandfather is a patriot, my uncle is a patriot and I have run across many others. John Kerry is no patriot; he is an unabashed liberal who has set up his whole life for this moment!!! Don't let it happen!!!



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