Just Another Conservative Rant!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

How Liberals Really Think!!!

Last weekend Kanye West said that George W. Bush doesn’t care about black people. As a black man trapped inside a white man’s body, I have to say that my Chicago Brother is right: George W. Bush doesn’t care about black people. In fact, George W. Bush and The Baby Eating Republicans are conspiring right now with a Top Secret Russian Weather Modification Technology to wipe every black person off the map of America: Harlem, The South Side of Chicago! , Compton, Detroit, Oakland and even The Fresh Prince of Bel Air’s House. This Russian Weather Modification Technology can create Hurricanes and Tsunamis ON DEMAND and be pointed anywhere it’s programmed to. The Russians have been secretly using this invention for years to make sure American Spies don’t overrun their borders and enter Moscow. And now The Government is using it on Americans. COINCIDENSE?

George W. Bush isn’t stopping with Black People. New Orleans was a town that was good for two things: FUN and MUSIC. Hmmm. This seems interesting. It seems that only a few years ago another city that was known for FUN and MUSIC was almost destroyed by a catastrophic event that may or may not have been started by our own government to INVADE ANOTHER COUNTRY and get unlimited access to TOP SECRET EXTRATERRESTIAL IDENTIFICATION LABS in the MIDDLE EAST. One can only imagine why New Orleans was next on the list - AND WHY THE MANUFACTURED CATASTROPHE occurred so close to the EVENTS OF 9/11?

What city -- that’s known for its FUN and MUSIC - is next? Everybody knows that below Disney World’s Magic Kingdom there is a top-secret government-assisted ventilation system that’s been pumping experimental gasses into Main Street USA and Tomorrow Land for years. The gasses have been known to do a lot of things: make you so hungry that you purchase more food; make you think you enjoy hanging out with your family when in fact you hate them; and make you think that PLUTO never tried to PINCH YOUR ASS. Now what if The Government wanted to use this ventilation system to target a certain demographic entering the Magic Kingdom so that they can SECRETLY and COVERTLY manufacture a race of ZOMBIE SOLDIERS that will follow the GOVERNMENT’S EVERY COMMAND. It’s been well documented in the British Press that the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT has been working on a MIND CONTROL system like this for years. They used something similar to this in WORLD WAR II and THE SECRET WAR in the far reaches of Alaska when U.S Paramilitary fought the Eskimos for control of its covert Seal Clubbing Operation. If Walt Disney found out about any of this he’d be rolling in his cryogenically frozen grave on the second floor of Cinderella’s Castle!!!

I don’t mean to alarm any of you. That’s not the purpose of this newsletter. But Kanye West only told us half the story last Friday. The American Government’s goal to start a NEW WORLD ORDER should not be taken lightly. They’re starting with Black People and The Poor. Next it’s going to be The Asians, Greeks, Native Americans and then The Whites. Don’t think they’re not coming after the Whites. When it comes down to it, The American Government doesn’t care about the color of your skin. They care about enlisting the help of the goody-two-shoes-looking Mickey Mouse Club so that they can secretly implant MIND CONTROLLING COMPUTER CHIPS into the center of our brains while we watch television. Look it up, it’s going to happen.


  • Absoultely hilarious writing but I must say that not all democrats are bad - just like not all republicans are good. I'm a democrat. I voted for Kerry. I think they should pass some sort of law saying that no Bush can ever be president again. I'm pro choice. Against prayer in school. The wole nine yards. But I don't think Bush hates black people.
    Keep writing

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:19 PM  

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