"W" Spells Victory!!!
Here it comes!!! Two days pre-election and I am biting my fingertips but the one thing that I am very confident in is my candidate. He is a strong leader who has a vision on what he thinks is the right direction for this country. I know that I have complete trust in him and hope to god that the dumbocrats don't try to steal this election like they tried to in 2000. Momentum still seems to be with the President but I am not trying to be overconfident. I just can't imagine a world where we farm off our security to idiots like the French and the Germans. But as I sit here enjoying an Arturo Fuente Grande Reserve Hemingway edition I know that the Bush Campaign is working tiredlessly for you and me so that we don't have to live with four years of John Kerry. Don't forget that we all the power to change this. With the flip of a ballot it will be ours.
The polls have been tiring and so has the election, but just imagine what it is like for Mr. Bush himself. He knows how important it is to us that he wins. And he is working overtime to make our dream of four more years a reality. He sees the threat John Kerry poses to America. President Bush has seen what liberals can do to our beautiful country and god forbid they get power again!!! As we have seen with the latest Osama bin Laden tape, the way that John Kerry will respond to it lies in poll numbers. Kerry is a finger-in-the-wind liberal who has shown no leadership skills whatsoever. But this is someone that at least 45% of the American people are willing to accept as an alternative to what we currently have today!!! WOW!!! That is all that I have to say. What the hell is wrong with these people. Well the bottom line is that we have 2 days to get to the finish-line first. If we don't we have to face the wrath of the liberals.
Bottom line though is if you look at the polling data, John Kerry has never lead this race. It has been all Bush all the time. So he needs to keep it up for two more days. And by-god I think that he has it in him. For both you and me I sure hope so. But with the internals trending towards Bush and that being the same way the adminstration is seeing then it looks like on Tuesday we get 4 more years!!! God willing...
Reality is that my confidence is very high going in to these last 2 days. I think we have the leader in place that knows how to deal with the present issues. And I have placed my trust in President Bush and I know how many people have done the same. So whatever you can do to help him out in the next two days is mightly appreciated.
Good Luck and Godspeed President Bush!!! Four more years, please!!!
The polls have been tiring and so has the election, but just imagine what it is like for Mr. Bush himself. He knows how important it is to us that he wins. And he is working overtime to make our dream of four more years a reality. He sees the threat John Kerry poses to America. President Bush has seen what liberals can do to our beautiful country and god forbid they get power again!!! As we have seen with the latest Osama bin Laden tape, the way that John Kerry will respond to it lies in poll numbers. Kerry is a finger-in-the-wind liberal who has shown no leadership skills whatsoever. But this is someone that at least 45% of the American people are willing to accept as an alternative to what we currently have today!!! WOW!!! That is all that I have to say. What the hell is wrong with these people. Well the bottom line is that we have 2 days to get to the finish-line first. If we don't we have to face the wrath of the liberals.
Bottom line though is if you look at the polling data, John Kerry has never lead this race. It has been all Bush all the time. So he needs to keep it up for two more days. And by-god I think that he has it in him. For both you and me I sure hope so. But with the internals trending towards Bush and that being the same way the adminstration is seeing then it looks like on Tuesday we get 4 more years!!! God willing...
Reality is that my confidence is very high going in to these last 2 days. I think we have the leader in place that knows how to deal with the present issues. And I have placed my trust in President Bush and I know how many people have done the same. So whatever you can do to help him out in the next two days is mightly appreciated.
Good Luck and Godspeed President Bush!!! Four more years, please!!!
and what do you make of the record of the people who work for President Bush? Take Karl Rove for example - does he strike you as someone you want deciding where your country goes?
How about the pledge of allegiance to Bush?
Surely you can't have missed Rove's role in the Alabama Supreme Court election of 1994? Surely you can't have missed the reports of people at Bush rallies in Florida being led (by the nose) to maling pedges of allegiance to George W. Bush?
Doesn't that remind you of anything you may have studied at school? (ca. 1933? ? ? ? Germany? ? ? ).
You say you are a simple person with complex thoughts; sort those thoughts out and mix in some facts (no, not Fox News, CNN, NBC . . .). Go looking for some real facts, and see if you can really believe that he is best for this country. In case you've missed it, check out:
Kerry 283 Bush 246
It's already over bud - your party's lying to you. George Bush is moving out of the White House in 2 months. Spread the word.
By Anonymous, at 12:55 AM
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