Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Is America ready for Communism?
Well, the fact of the matter is that with the addition of Hillary Clinton as the possible Veep candidate, America needs to ready themselves for the idea of Communism infiltrating our everyday lives. Yes, I said it. John Kerry and Hillary Clinton are in awe of the Communist Manifesto. The Kerry campaigns slogan, "Let America be America again" is an indirect quote from a poem written by Langston Hughes. An admitted Marxist. And Hillary's Universal Health care program and recent quotes at fundraisers saying that she will take back the wealth of the wealthy, solidifying the claim that she is nothing more than a glorified Communist.
You know what scares the hell our of me is that these two people have a valid chance at running the country. It is truth that Reagan took down Russia. But the fact remains that Russian Communists planted many seeds here in America. The two seeds, which have grown up some are Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. We might have taken down Russia but we haven't stopped Communism yet. Think back to the agenda of the left and you will see a pattern beginning. I can't for the life of me imagine what the two of them would do to the country. This all worries me but it also builds my resolve to make sure that neither of them make it to the White House.
The bottom line here is that with the reality of a Kerry-Clinton ticket becoming something of a reality. We need to focus our attention on what really drives the thought process behind these two. They want nothing more than to take your money and give it to someone who doesn't deserve it. As a matter of fact, they actually feel entitled to take your money. Remember, it isn't yours it theirs. And if they want more, believe me when I say, they will take it at will.
At the heart of the matter is that America isn't ready, nor does America want a Communist duo in the White House. But I am not trying to be funny when I say this. I am dead serious. Don't let the two of them fool you on their true agenda for America. Communism kills and it will be the road we end up on with a Kerry-Clinton ticket. God save us!!!
Stop the two Communist before it's too late!!!
You know what scares the hell our of me is that these two people have a valid chance at running the country. It is truth that Reagan took down Russia. But the fact remains that Russian Communists planted many seeds here in America. The two seeds, which have grown up some are Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. We might have taken down Russia but we haven't stopped Communism yet. Think back to the agenda of the left and you will see a pattern beginning. I can't for the life of me imagine what the two of them would do to the country. This all worries me but it also builds my resolve to make sure that neither of them make it to the White House.
The bottom line here is that with the reality of a Kerry-Clinton ticket becoming something of a reality. We need to focus our attention on what really drives the thought process behind these two. They want nothing more than to take your money and give it to someone who doesn't deserve it. As a matter of fact, they actually feel entitled to take your money. Remember, it isn't yours it theirs. And if they want more, believe me when I say, they will take it at will.
At the heart of the matter is that America isn't ready, nor does America want a Communist duo in the White House. But I am not trying to be funny when I say this. I am dead serious. Don't let the two of them fool you on their true agenda for America. Communism kills and it will be the road we end up on with a Kerry-Clinton ticket. God save us!!!
Stop the two Communist before it's too late!!!
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Another example of the Left's hatred of George W. Bush!!!
What is wrong with these idiots? Can anyone explain to me how it is free speech to talk about assinating George W. Bush? This rant of the left's has gone to far and someone from our side needs to step up and say something. Free speech has been turned into something our founding fathers would now cringe at the sight of. People smearing themselves with their own shit is not an expression of free speech... it is just outright offensive. But those of us on the right haven't had the balls to express our right to free speech and tell these assholes to go shove it where the sun don't shine. My tolerance for this type of behavior is wearing thin. I never, in a million years, thought about the assination of President Clinton. Nor would I ever want something that horrendous to ever happen to anyone; regardless of my political orientation. But people like Nicholson Baker are filled with hatred. So much so they have to write books about how they could manage to kill the president. Then with all the courage they can muster, they hide behind the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. What a fucking coward. What are these people so afraid of? I think they are afraid that more and more people are finding out that the Democratic party has been hijacked by the likes of Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy and Howard Dean. There is nothing noble anymore about being a democrat like there used to be. I think it is now looked at as an insult in my circles, granted I often hang around with like-minded individuals. The fact of the matter is only 13% of Americans call themselves liberals. This is because they are afraid to admit their true intentions. Liberals can't admit to what they really want because they would never get elected. They need to use the "Cooking the Frog" analogy. If you put a frog into a boiling pot of hot water the frog will immediately jump from the pot. However, if you put the frog in a pot of cold water on the stove and turn up the heat slowly the frog won't even know it is being cooked... and voila... cooked frog. This is how liberals work. You never know their true intentions because they are always slowly heating up the pot. Then finally the pot of water is boiling and we are godless and without moral values any more.
Nicholson Baker can shove his book up his own ass for all I care. And I hope that the Secret Service takes his ass down. I am tired of liberals getting away with this shit. It is time for the right to step up to the plate and make a stink about this. Make it known how the left and people like John Kerry really feel about our Commander-In-Chief. This is no longer an issue of free speech it is an issue of morality. And last time I looked it wasn't moral to wish The President of the United States to be assinated.
Bush Assination Book
Nicholson Baker can shove his book up his own ass for all I care. And I hope that the Secret Service takes his ass down. I am tired of liberals getting away with this shit. It is time for the right to step up to the plate and make a stink about this. Make it known how the left and people like John Kerry really feel about our Commander-In-Chief. This is no longer an issue of free speech it is an issue of morality. And last time I looked it wasn't moral to wish The President of the United States to be assinated.
Bush Assination Book
The Clinton Portrait!!!
Here is the absolute truth about the legacy of Mr. William Jefferson Clinton!!! "B.J." Clinton tried to repudiate his relationship with Monica Lewinski. But in the big scheme of things the American people will always remember him as the president that got a BJ in the Oval Office. And here is the picture to preserve his noble image in the minds of Americans!!!
Monday, June 28, 2004
Unfairenheit 9/11!!!
I found this article... written by Christopher Hitchens, who is a very vocal liberal. He punches a lot of gaping holes in the leftist propaganda movie by Michael Moore. If you have seen the movie and find yourself believing this supreme line of bullshit then read this article... just to be unbiased. If after you read this you are not a little skeptical of the validity of the movie then you don't want to know the whole truth!!!
It's Official... Michael Moore hates America!!!
Anyone who has any doubts about Michael Moore's hatred of America should go right to this website and see this. What a friggin' hypocrite!!!
Check it out!!!
Check it out!!!
John Kerry just can't win!!!
I am very proud to announce that Iraq is now sovereign. This is a big step in Middle East and step backwards for the Kerry campaign. It is important to understand that anything good for America is bad for Democrats and their presidential candidate. But all in all it has been a tough couple of weeks for the Kerry campaign. You had the unfortunate death of Ronald Reagan. This took a weeks worth of news coverage away from the campaign. Then we had Bubba and his new book steal the stage last week. Again, stealing the stage away from the Kerry campaign. Then Kerry gets the news today that Iraq sovereignty is sped up a little. Good news for America... bad news for Kerry. I imagine that news this big will occupy another week of media coverage.
Sorry Mr. Kerry!!! Your left-leaning media will have to cover how President Bush freed Iraq for a week. And hopefully people will see some of the positive things we have done in this country. I am sure people like Michael Moore and John Kerry are wallowing in their own river of tears. And I would love to be a fly on the wall to see it. John Kerry is probably cursing all Republicans. He is using his very refined Yale vocabulary to explain how big of an a**hole George W. Bush is. I am really starting to enjoy this... alot!!!
Sorry Mr. Kerry!!! Your left-leaning media will have to cover how President Bush freed Iraq for a week. And hopefully people will see some of the positive things we have done in this country. I am sure people like Michael Moore and John Kerry are wallowing in their own river of tears. And I would love to be a fly on the wall to see it. John Kerry is probably cursing all Republicans. He is using his very refined Yale vocabulary to explain how big of an a**hole George W. Bush is. I am really starting to enjoy this... alot!!!
Early Handover in Iraq...
Breaking news... this just goes to show you how smart our people really are. They are trying to squelch an attack that was planned for two days from now. George Bush and the rest of the coalition know what they are doing but for some reason the left can't seem to accept this fact. Apparently, defending our freedom is not on the short-list of the DNC. I hope the handover goes well and look forward to updating this with some positivity!!!!
Sunday, June 27, 2004
What the hell is wrong with liberals?
Is it me or has the left just lost their friggin' mind? I can't figure it out. Michael Moore comes out with this movie that, at first, is claimed to be a documentary, then he backtracks that statement and calls the film an op-ed piece. So which is it? This is the major problem that I see everyday with the left. John Kerry, for example, flip-flops on everything. Did he vote for the $87 billion or didn't he? Does he drive an SUV or is it his family's? What the hell ever. I am sick of the backtracking.
If you think like I do then you understand what I am saying. If you don't most likely you are probably yelling some profane obscenity at your computer screen and then try to no avail to defend your patriotism. Then you go on some rant about how the right to descent is the greatest right given to man by the constitution. Well, you, to some extent are right. But I am sick of the left comparing George W. Bush to Nazis and then being appalled at the idea of it being in a political ad for G.W. I agree with you that it is appalling but don't continue this hypocrisy. This is the same faction of people that agree with the right to abortion but hate the idea of hunting a deer. When did the rights of animals supersede the rights of an unborn fetus? Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
I know this is my first time blogging but I have a lot of untapped angst towards those who think like John Kerry. The thought of a Kerry presidency frightens me. Have you ever thought about why these terrorist are continuing to behead Americans? They believe that they can drive us out of what they consider to be their country. And they believe we are weak and that we will not stand to see our own die. And they think this because of the way that Mr. Clinton and those who think like him dealt with situations like Mogadishu. This is the setting of Black Hawk Down. And what happened there was atrocious. Clinton pulled our troops out of there because he got scared and the terrorist saw this as a sign of weakness. And now they see the same thing. And let us not forget my point here. John Kerry is like-minded. He believes in Clinton. Look at how he associates himself with Clinton when it seems politically convenient to him. John Kerry will pull troops out of Iraq and that would spell disaster for the country and the Middle East. John Kerry is just as scared as Clinton was with the Mogadishu incident. And let us not forget John Kerry's direct dissention after his early departure from Vietnam. Can you envision another president who openly loathes the military?
Well, that is enough for today. I will be back to comment on the days events tomorrow. Hope to see some comments soon!!!
If you think like I do then you understand what I am saying. If you don't most likely you are probably yelling some profane obscenity at your computer screen and then try to no avail to defend your patriotism. Then you go on some rant about how the right to descent is the greatest right given to man by the constitution. Well, you, to some extent are right. But I am sick of the left comparing George W. Bush to Nazis and then being appalled at the idea of it being in a political ad for G.W. I agree with you that it is appalling but don't continue this hypocrisy. This is the same faction of people that agree with the right to abortion but hate the idea of hunting a deer. When did the rights of animals supersede the rights of an unborn fetus? Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
I know this is my first time blogging but I have a lot of untapped angst towards those who think like John Kerry. The thought of a Kerry presidency frightens me. Have you ever thought about why these terrorist are continuing to behead Americans? They believe that they can drive us out of what they consider to be their country. And they believe we are weak and that we will not stand to see our own die. And they think this because of the way that Mr. Clinton and those who think like him dealt with situations like Mogadishu. This is the setting of Black Hawk Down. And what happened there was atrocious. Clinton pulled our troops out of there because he got scared and the terrorist saw this as a sign of weakness. And now they see the same thing. And let us not forget my point here. John Kerry is like-minded. He believes in Clinton. Look at how he associates himself with Clinton when it seems politically convenient to him. John Kerry will pull troops out of Iraq and that would spell disaster for the country and the Middle East. John Kerry is just as scared as Clinton was with the Mogadishu incident. And let us not forget John Kerry's direct dissention after his early departure from Vietnam. Can you envision another president who openly loathes the military?
Well, that is enough for today. I will be back to comment on the days events tomorrow. Hope to see some comments soon!!!