Just Another Conservative Rant!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Can They Blame This on Bush, too???

Excellent police work here....

Click on the title to see the video!!!


How Liberals Really Think!!!

Last weekend Kanye West said that George W. Bush doesn’t care about black people. As a black man trapped inside a white man’s body, I have to say that my Chicago Brother is right: George W. Bush doesn’t care about black people. In fact, George W. Bush and The Baby Eating Republicans are conspiring right now with a Top Secret Russian Weather Modification Technology to wipe every black person off the map of America: Harlem, The South Side of Chicago! , Compton, Detroit, Oakland and even The Fresh Prince of Bel Air’s House. This Russian Weather Modification Technology can create Hurricanes and Tsunamis ON DEMAND and be pointed anywhere it’s programmed to. The Russians have been secretly using this invention for years to make sure American Spies don’t overrun their borders and enter Moscow. And now The Government is using it on Americans. COINCIDENSE?

George W. Bush isn’t stopping with Black People. New Orleans was a town that was good for two things: FUN and MUSIC. Hmmm. This seems interesting. It seems that only a few years ago another city that was known for FUN and MUSIC was almost destroyed by a catastrophic event that may or may not have been started by our own government to INVADE ANOTHER COUNTRY and get unlimited access to TOP SECRET EXTRATERRESTIAL IDENTIFICATION LABS in the MIDDLE EAST. One can only imagine why New Orleans was next on the list - AND WHY THE MANUFACTURED CATASTROPHE occurred so close to the EVENTS OF 9/11?

What city -- that’s known for its FUN and MUSIC - is next? Everybody knows that below Disney World’s Magic Kingdom there is a top-secret government-assisted ventilation system that’s been pumping experimental gasses into Main Street USA and Tomorrow Land for years. The gasses have been known to do a lot of things: make you so hungry that you purchase more food; make you think you enjoy hanging out with your family when in fact you hate them; and make you think that PLUTO never tried to PINCH YOUR ASS. Now what if The Government wanted to use this ventilation system to target a certain demographic entering the Magic Kingdom so that they can SECRETLY and COVERTLY manufacture a race of ZOMBIE SOLDIERS that will follow the GOVERNMENT’S EVERY COMMAND. It’s been well documented in the British Press that the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT has been working on a MIND CONTROL system like this for years. They used something similar to this in WORLD WAR II and THE SECRET WAR in the far reaches of Alaska when U.S Paramilitary fought the Eskimos for control of its covert Seal Clubbing Operation. If Walt Disney found out about any of this he’d be rolling in his cryogenically frozen grave on the second floor of Cinderella’s Castle!!!

I don’t mean to alarm any of you. That’s not the purpose of this newsletter. But Kanye West only told us half the story last Friday. The American Government’s goal to start a NEW WORLD ORDER should not be taken lightly. They’re starting with Black People and The Poor. Next it’s going to be The Asians, Greeks, Native Americans and then The Whites. Don’t think they’re not coming after the Whites. When it comes down to it, The American Government doesn’t care about the color of your skin. They care about enlisting the help of the goody-two-shoes-looking Mickey Mouse Club so that they can secretly implant MIND CONTROLLING COMPUTER CHIPS into the center of our brains while we watch television. Look it up, it’s going to happen.

Friday, September 09, 2005

What Would Democrats Say if We Said This?

So I have been thinking about this today. Black race-peddlers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton along with the likes of Air America radio host Randi Rhodes and Al Franken, have made the claim that Bush wants blacks to die and that maybe, just maybe Bush created this hurricane to wipeout a constituency that dumbocrats rely on. Now, I know your first reaction is to say that is crazy but this mindset is out there and it is in many ways being perpetuated by the MSM. But here is something to think about...

Louisiana has been under democrat rule for more than 60 years now. We have been hearing how the poor and neglected blacks of Louisiana and New Orleans are very angry that Bush hasn't done anything for them. But I think a better way to think about this is what have democrats done for them lately? The answer, nothing!!! 60 years and still a majority of these blacks are crying that the government hasn't done enough for them yet. Well, Bush has only been president for 5 years but democrats have run Louisiana for 60 years and yet Republicans are still the people who get blamed for their lack of progress. Think about it for a minute and then tell me how you could possibly blame a republican. It doesn't make any sense to me.

But let's put the shoe on the other foot here. Kathleen Blanco is white, right? So for the past couple years Kathleen Blanco has done nothing to help blacks. She has obviously done nothing to help them out. There are still poor blacks and there are still problems in Louisiana. So it stands to reason that she must hate blacks, right? Well, the liberals aren't offended when they say it about Bush but the minute you start in on a democrat all of a sudden it is some sort of crazy notion. But that same thought process is being used just not slamming a republican. Same thing just a different person. Same playbook they have used for the last 60 years apparently. Kind of sad if you ask me.

This is the problem inherent in liberalism. They only do what is convenient for them at the time. Their problem is that people see this opportunistic political manuevering and see right through it... most of the time anyway. They obviously missed it with the Clinton 8. But we are back on track. Thank God the liberal media isn't what it used to be. They are becoming more and more irrelevant every day. And thanks to the internet and talk radio, more and more of us are getting the truth out there.


Are Those Top Secret Documents in Your Pocket or are you Just Happy to See Me?

Here is something the mainstream media will try their hardest to keep from you. I wonder why?

And $50,000, that's it?

Berger to pay $50,000 for taking classified material

WASHINGTON (AP) — A judge on Thursday ordered Sandy Berger, President Clinton's national security adviser, to pay a $50,000 fine for illegally taking classified documents from the National Archives.
The punishment handed down by U.S. Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson exceeded the $10,000 fine recommended by government lawyers. Under the deal, Berger avoids prison time but he must surrender access to classified government materials for three years.

"The court finds the fine is inadequate because it doesn't reflect the seriousness of the offense," Robinson said, as a grim-faced Berger stood silently.

Earlier in the hearing, Berger expressed remorse for his crime, which he described as a lapse of judgment that came while he was preparing to testify before the Sept. 11 commission.

"I let considerations of personal convenience override clear rules of handling classified material," Berger said. "I believe this lapse, serious as it is, does not reflect the character of myself."

"In this case, I failed. I will not again," he said.

The sentencing capped a bizarre sequence of events in which Berger admitted to sneaking classified documents out of the Archives in his suit, later destroying some of them in his office and then lying about it.

After initially saying it was an "honest mistake," Berger pleaded guilty in April to a misdemeanor of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material, which contained information relating to terror threats in the United States during the 2000 millennium celebration.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Everything is Politics to a Democrat!!!

Pelosi's Politicization Of Katrina

It never ceases to amaze me how desperate Democrats are to attack, attack, attack. Of all Democrats, it seems like Nancy Pelosi has been the most deliberate in smearing President Bush over the Katrina relief efforts...

"The people of the Gulf region were struck by two disasters. First was the hurricane and then the failure of the federal government in time of great need," she said... "The buck stops at the president's desk. The president said he's going to lead the investigation into what went wrong. He needs to look only in the mirror."

I expect such finger-pointing from pundits and liberal bloggers... But when party leadership joins the fringe in such pathetic politicization it just goes to show you how desperate the Democrats are to attack Bush.

As we've said before, enough is enough.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Paul Krugman is an Idiot... plain and simple!!!

This is from the Power Line blog and I think it needs to be read. You can see how liberalism turns you blind to what you don't want to see. Krugman is an excellent example. Check it out...

Krugmania, Continued

The New York Times is in full hysteria mode, trying to turn the human tragedy associated with Hurricane Katrina into political fodder for the Democrats. Paul Krugman is one cog in the Times' wheel; on cue, he chimed in with a strident denunciation of the Bush administration's response to the hurricane. It was, of course terrible; Krugman begins:

Each day since Katrina brings more evidence of the lethal ineptitude of federal officials. I'm not letting state and local officials off the hook, but federal officials had access to resources that could have made all the difference, but were never mobilized.
Characteristically, Krugman avoids facts whenever possible. His columns consist almost entirely of invective; he grudgingly throws in a fact only when it can't be helped. Yesterday's column included exactly one fact, one instance of a "resource" that "could have made all the difference," but was "never mobilized." Krugman's one such example was the U.S.S. Bataan:

Here's one of many examples: The Chicago Tribune reports that the U.S.S. Bataan, equipped with six operating rooms, hundreds of hospital beds and the ability to produce 100,000 gallons of fresh water a day, has been sitting off the Gulf Coast since last Monday - without patients.
Experts say that the first 72 hours after a natural disaster are the crucial window during which prompt action can save many lives. Yet action after Katrina was anything but prompt. Newsweek reports that a "strange paralysis" set in among Bush administration officials, who debated lines of authority while thousands died.

So, according to Krugman, the Bataan, with its hospital and fresh water, constituted a resource that was "never mobilized," apparently because of "paralysis" on the part of the administration. In citing the Bataan as his best example of federal ineptitude, Krugman relied, as he so often does, on an urban legend that circulated on left-wing blogs: that the Bataan, which had been cruising in the Caribbean when Katrina struck, was ready and able to aid the hurricane's victims, but was prevented from doing so because the Defense Department never gave the order authorizing it to act. This rumor became so persistent that one of the ship's officers, Lt. Commander Sean Kelly, wrote to one of the left-wing sites to debunk the myth:

USNORTHCOM was prepositioned for response to the hurricane, but as per the National Response Plan, we support the lead federal agency in disaster relief — in this case, FEMA. The simple description of the process is the state requests federal assistance from FEMA which in turn may request assistance from the military upon approval by the president or Secretary of Defense. Having worked the hurricanes from last year as well as Dennis this year, we knew that FEMA would make requests of the military — primarily in the areas of transportation, communications, logistics, and medicine. Thus we began staging such assets and waited for the storm to hit.
The biggest hurdles to responding to the storm were the storm itself — couldn't begin really helping until it passed — and damage assessment — figuring out which roads were passable, where communications and power were out, etc. Military helos began damage assessment and SAR on Tuesday. Thus we had permission to operate as soon as it was possible. We even brought in night SAR helos to continue the mission on Tuesday night.

The President and Secretary of Defense did authorize us to act right away and are not to blame on this end. Yes, we have to wait for authorization, but it was given in a timely manner.

Poor Paul, always a day late and a dollar short, apparently didn't get the memo.

Still, if I were writing a column that I expected to be read by many thousands of people--oh, wait, I do--and if I were going to rest my column on a single "example" on the basis of which I intended to charge government officials with "lethal ineptitude," I would do a little fact-checking. Sadly, however, research is something of which Paul Krugman is simply incapable.

Perhaps Krugman doesn't know that large naval vessels like the U.S.S. Bataan all have web sites. Perhaps he doesn't know that there is a tool called "Google" that would enable him to find the Bataan's web site in less than ten seconds. Or perhaps he just didn't care enough to go here and read up on the Bataan's contributions to hurricane relief efforts.

If Krugman had taken the trouble, he would have found that on August 30, the same day on which New Orleans' levees burst, precipitating the crisis, men and women from the Bataan were already in action, and by the following day they were busy saving lives:

The crews flew off Tuesday night towards New Orleans and were tasked by the on-scene rescue coordinators. “Our first mission was to provide food and water and to take some people to a safer haven and to help with the levee by providing sandbags,” said AS2(AW/NAC) Johnny Ramirez, MH-53 Aircrewman for HM-15. “We weren't able to complete our assigned mission Tuesday night because it got too dark and it was too risky to land anywhere with all of the water and power lines. Instead, we just flew Tuesday night to survey the area.”
On Wednesday, a crew from HM-15 assisted with lifting numerous stranded citizens in a very short period of time. “My crew and I airlifted nearly 100 people from the roof of a building and onto a field where ambulances and busses were waiting for them,” said LCDR David Hopper, detachment Officer in Charge of HM-15. “Ten of those who we rescued couldn't even walk; my crewmen had to carry them.”

One of the missions of the MH-60 aircraft is search and rescue. HSC-28 personnel have rescued 71 people in their first two days of operation, seven in the first 30 minutes. HSC-28 has three crews and two aircraft and is alternating flight and crew rest time.

Here is a summary of the Bataan's efforts as of yesterday, when Krugman's column implied that the ship was a "resource" that was "never mobilized":

“We've been extremely busy this past week with more tasks than there are hours in a day,” said Cmdr. Jeffrey Bocchicchio, Bataan 's Air Boss. “The shortest day the department has had was 16 hours long, but they understand that everything we do is critical to the mission.”
"All of the divisions and Combat Cargo working together allows the ship to have a 24-hour flight deck with the manning for 10-hour days,” said Bocchicchio. “Military units are the nation's biggest assets and what better use for them than to save our own people.”

To date, the two squadrons have transported 1,613 displaced people and delivered more than 100,000 pounds of cargo. Bataan also provided 8,000 gallons of fresh drinking water to the ravished Gulfport, Mississippi area. Sailors filled eight 500-gallon water bladders with the ship's potable water and HM 15's MH-53 helicopters transported them from the flight deck of Bataan to land.

How about the unused operating rooms and empty hospital beds? It seems not to have occurred to Krugman that the most efficient way to get medical treatment to hurricane survivors is not to helicopter them, individually or in small groups, to a ship at sea. Instead, what happened was that medical personnel were assembled and equipped on board the Bataan, then flown to shore where they could treat the sick and wounded:

Two medical fly-away teams from the Navy's Casualty Receiving and Treatment Ship Team (CRTS) 8, based at Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Fla., left the multipurpose amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5) on Sunday, Sept. 4, 2005 , to provide medical support to Hurricane Katrina survivors at the New Orleans International Airport and a high school in Biloxi , Mississippi .
A 26-member primary care treatment team consisting of a pediatrician, family practice physician, an obstetrician along with seven nurses and 16 hospital corpsman departed early Sunday morning for New Orleans International Airport . They expect to return to the ship on Monday.

The second flyaway team, which consisted of an internal medicine physician, two nurses, a respiratory therapy technician and two general hospital corpsman, flew to Biloxi High School to take care of patients with respiratory illnesses. The team's main mission is to provide treatment for those who have respiratory problems. They are expected to return to the ship in two or three days.

The diversity of CRTS 8's composition allows the flexibility of establishing multiple mission-specific medical teams within a short time period. “The CRTS 8 team is glad to be onboard Bataan participating in the relief efforts,” said Cmdr. Michael Illovsky, MC, USN, Director of Medical Services for CRTS 8. “We are ready and willing to help out in any way possible. We are enthused about the opportunity to send groups into the affected areas where they are needed most.”

The 24-member medical team who left Saturday for the New Orleans Convention Center returned to Bataan Sunday afternoon.

This all happened during the three days prior to the appearance of Krugman's column describing the "hospital beds" "without patients" aboard the Bataan.

We never go after Maureen Dowd anymore, because there isn't any sport in it. Poor Paul Krugman is rapidly getting into the same category.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Memo to Bush, get rid of Director Brown immediately!!!

During his visit to Mobile, Ala., on Friday, President Bush singled out Michael D. Brown, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, for praise:

"Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."
Really? "Brownie's" job is to direct the federal response to natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina. Let's review his public statements during the past week:

- He admitted that he didn't act more aggressively because as late as last Sunday he expected Katrina to be a "standard hurricane" even though the National Weather Service in New Orleans was already predicting "human suffering incredible by modern standards."

- He proved himself utterly clueless about the disaster unfolding in New Orleans. He claimed that the federal relief effort was "going relatively well" and that the security situation in New Orleans was "pretty darn good."

- He blamed the flood victims in New Orleans for failing to evacuate on time, even though local authorities failed to make municipal vehicles available to residents who could not drive or did not own their own cars.

"It took four days to begin a large-scale evacuation of people stranded in the Superdome stadium and to bring in significant amounts of food and water to an American city easily accessible by motorway," the Observer notes. "Relief agencies took half that time to reach Indonesia after the Boxing Day tsunami. "

Although the delay was not entirely the fault of the Bush Administration, Brown's complacency clearly didn't help. And his bumbling statements after the hurricane struck have not inspired confidence.

This is not the time to give a weak performer the benefit of the doubt. The FEMA director's role in the ongoing recovery effort is too important to be entrusted to a clueless political hack with such poor judgment.

Rather than praise Michael Brown, Bush should fire him.

I'd Like to Be There for This One... Landrieu is going to punch Bush

Seems to me Mary Landrieu has threatened physical force on the president of the United States. So what's the next step? I guess we'll see... Here is the story...

Mary Landrieu: I'll Punch Bush, 'Literally'

Sen. Mary Landrieu threatened the president of the United States with physical violence on Sunday, saying that if he or any other government official criticizes New Orleans police for failing to keep civil order in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina - "I might likely have to punch him - literally."

"If one person criticizes [our sheriffs], or says one more thing, including the president of the United States, he will hear from me - one more word about it after this show airs and I - I might likely have to punch him - literally," Landrieu railed on "ABC's "This Week."

Story Continues Below

It is illegal to threaten the president with physical violence.
The Louisiana Democrat blasted Bush for neglecting the New Orleans levees, and demanded that he stop using the disaster for "photo-ops."

"The president came here yesterday for a photo-op," Landrieu charged, while surveying the disaster scene via helicopter with "This Week" host George Stephanopoulos in tow. "He got his photo-op but we are never going to get this fixed if he does not send us help now."

Landrieu also blamed Bush for cutting funding for levee improvement, before bursting into tears on camera.

In recent days, Louisiana officials have been criticized for bungling evacuation and rescue efforts. One of those officials, Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu, is Sen. Landrieu's brother.

The Race Peddlers are the Problem...

Take Jesse Jackson for instance. Coming into New Orleans and claiming that the only reason the people who were still there had been left because they were black. Now come on, more and more reports point directly at the complete lack of planning that the city and the mayor had in evacuating the city. But these civil servants are now trying to pass the buck to the federal government and I just not having that.

There were buses that should have been ready to take some of the more disfortunately souls to safety. But they weren't mobilized. And why not? We still have no answer for that question. What we do have is Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton coming down here declaring that only the rich white people left. Well yes they did didn't they? And why do you think that is? Possibly because those particular people don't rely on the government to tell them when to pee? Possible it is because they made a decision that would best suit their families? Well, the answer is all of those are right. The abject failure of the mayor and the Governor in attacking this situatuion is what has left so many peoples lives in ruin.

This blame game is unacceptable for now. We need to get these people back on their feet so that they can fight another day. But for the likes of Jesse Jackson to come in here and start teaching us about moral values is the equivalent of Teddy Kennedy coming in to teach us a lesson on how to swim to safety in the event of a water landing in automobile.

But that is the way the left deals with all it's problems. Just blame the right. Never accomplish anything and hope that the base doesn't actually figure out that we have been lying to them for 60 or so years.

The jigs up lefties. People have figured you out and you are in trouble.

Jessie Jackson, get the hell out of New Orleans. Your reverse-racism is not welcomed here or anywhere else you want to spread that virus. These people will soon be fine and with no help of yours.

Such a shame that so many will follow such a misguided man and the lies he spews fourth to keep a constituent base glommed onto him.



Sunday, September 04, 2005

Sean Penn's Undying Need to Help His Fellow Citizens...

Seems to me like he failed on this account... we'll see!!!

Sean Penn's rescue bid sinks
From correspondents in New Orleans

EFFORTS by Hollywood actor Sean Penn to aid New Orleans victims stranded by Hurricane Katrina foundered badly overnight, when the boat he was piloting to launch a rescue attempt sprang a leak.

Penn had planned to rescue children waylaid by Katrina's flood waters, but apparently forgot to plug a hole in the bottom of the vessel, which began taking water within seconds of its launch.
The actor, known for his political activism, was seen wearing what appeared to be a white flak jacket and frantically bailing water out of the sinking vessel with a red plastic cup.

When the boat's motor failed to start, those aboard were forced to use paddles to propel themselves down the flooded New Orleans street.

Asked what he had hoped to achieve in the waterlogged city, the actor replied: "Whatever I can do to help."

With the boat loaded with members of Penn's entourage, including a personal photographer, one bystander taunted the actor: "How are you going to get any people in that thing?"

Prepare for the Halliburton bashing

Here we go again...

Looks like the Navy is turning to Halliburton to repair the Mississippi bases that were damaged from Hurricane Katrina:

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command turned to Halliburton after the hurricane under terms of a five-year contract worth up to $500 million, renewed in 2004 after competitive bidding, that calls on the company to provide immediate services on demand after natural disasters, in humanitarian crises or in military conflicts. Last year, the Navy invoked the same contract after Hurricane Ivan hit Florida.
Although Halliburton has not yet been asked to work on installations around New Orleans, it said on Friday that it would begin performing damage assessments there "as soon as it is deemed safe to do so."

So Mr. Mayor, you hate Bush and, what was that? You didn't do your job? Oh, okay!!!

Interesting if you ask me...

Louisiana disaster plan, pg 13, para 5 , dated 01/00

'The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles. School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require assistance in evacuating'...

So if you didn't know, there were no buses mobilized during the evacuation of these so called refugeees. So where does the blame need to be placed? I has nothing to do with Bush. It has to do with the inability of the mayor of New Orleans to follow the evac plan. Plain and simple!!!


Saturday, September 03, 2005

What Does This Accomplish?

Can someone out there please tell me what this accomplishes? Yeah, it is really believable that Bush is trying to kill all the blacks in New Orleans...

Kanye West Slams Bush In Live Telethon

Ryan Burrow - Chicago

During NBC's live broadcast of Concert for Hurricane Relief rapper Kanye West, in what appeared to be an impromptu address, told viewers that National Guardsmen were given the unfair order to shoot at African-Americans on the streets of New Orleans.

In a stumbling, yet defiant statement, West proclaimed that when African-Americans were caught stealing in New Orleans, they were called looters. However when whites were caught, they were just feeding their families.

He was joined by former Saturday Night Live star Mike Myers, who returned to the script, and seemed frustrated by the the rapper's remarks.

West then declared "George Bush doesn't care about black people." Before the rapper could complete his statement, NBC producers cut away.

The hour-long NBC telethon Friday raised money for the Red Cross. Other musicians included Harry Connick Junior, Tim McGraw, and Aaron Neville.

Friday, September 02, 2005

The Party of Compassion?

This seems pretty typical to me of the way the left thinks. All partisan, all the time. Just sounds to me like a little kid... me, me, me!!! Check this out!!! Keep in mind this is from another blog!!!

I STILL Won't Contribute to Katrina

I hit the traffic jackpot yesterday with my previous post, mostly because I cross-posted at BlogCritics and got a lot of people all worked up. They got their righteous indignation worked out and are probably very proud of the various names they called me, with "scum" being the most popular. I even got listed in Chrenkoff's list of inconsiderate liberals, which is pretty cool considering I just started my blog two days ago! Unprecedented success!

Now I have a confession to make. I STILL won't contribute to Katrina, despite the fact that all y'all hate me. However, my last post was purposely provocative -- George Bush isn't really the reason I won't contribute (although I despise him just as much today as yesterday and have plenty of things I DO blame him for).

I won't contribute because it's been shown over and over again that in a crisis, people heap on the love, giving millions of dollars or whatever aid is needed, but then forget as life rushes back in. The Red Cross will get a ton of money this week, but what will they get 4, 5, 6 months down the road, while people still need help? Very little. Because people will have moved on.

Both 9/11 and the tsunami relief efforts show this to be true -- people were giving blood after 9/11 like crazy, until the Red Cross asked them to stop because it was too much. How many people gave on March 11. 2002? (Granted, money is good anytime, as it won't go bad like blood.) The rush of help after the tsunami subsided while millons were still suffering away from new headlines.

I do my giving in a planned way, not giving in times of crisis because I know the crisis money will show up. The suffering of New Orleans isn't going to be transformed in a day even if the Red Cross gave a $100 bill to everyone that asked for one. My dollar today, while symbolic, will do only so much. So I will hold on to it for a while, and give when the inevitable shortage occurs. I might even give $1.50. (That was just to be provocative, too; don't get yourself in a snit.)

That said, George W. Bush is a jerk.

You may be surprised to hear that I know George W. Bush is not a hurricane, and did not slam into Louisiana and Missisippi blowing over houses with his big, flappy gums. But that doesn't mean his policies don't hurt people, and may well have contributed to the severity of damage, both human and property, that we are seeing in these states.

The war in Iraq is its own disaster, not just in loss of American lives, but also in the billions of dollars it has taken to keep it going. It is fact that money that should have gone to shoring up the levees around New Orleans went to Iraq. Would the levees have broken even if they were fully functional and not sinking or unfinished? Maybe. But the people of New Orleans never got the chance to find out.

President Bush has strived mightily in his administration to increase the gap between the rich and the poor. While preaching Christianity, he has performed un-Christlike maneuvers like disproportionately cutting taxes for the rich, and he's working hard on that estate tax for the filthiest of the filthy rich as well. All this while his endless war plays out. And now in New Orleans we find that the poor suffered the most from Hurricane Katrina, many of them unable to leave their homes because they had no transportation (and don't bring up Fats Domino; there are exceptions to every rule).

Is it all George W. Bush's fault? Of course not. I kicked up a fuss because now's the time to point these things out, when people are paying attention to the world instead of sleepily buying into the B.S. about compassionate conservativism and spreading democracy. George W. Bush cares about what impacts George W. Bush and his wealthy contributors -- New Orleans' poor did not qualify. If the levees were a problem near Jack Abramoff's house, you can bet they would have been taken care of.

And that's why I'd like to see them pay up for once.