Just Another Conservative Rant!!!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Well, if that wasn't a mandate then I don't know what is!!! George W. Bush has won reelection and the world is a little safer. Thank god idiotic liberals didn't gain control. As a matter of fact the idiot liberals lost ground in both the Senate and the House. I seem to recall one of those idiotic liberals leaving a comment recently that said the race was over and that John Kerry had the election in the bag. I wonder how he is feeling today? Well really, I don't care!!! I just thougth it would be funny to rub it in a little. Did I mention that George W. Bush won reelection???

Liberals might not be in the White House for the time being but one good thing to know is that they are getting really good at losing!!! What is going to happen to Terry McCauliffe? He hasn't won anything since Clinton's reelection in '96!!! Can't wait to see him get canned. And it was also very gratifying to see Tom Dashle booted from his Senate seat. What a great night!!!

Bush set a lot of records last night... and thank god he is still in office. I have to say that it shameful of the Democrat party that a man like John Kerry made it as far as he did. But thanks to good 'ol American commonsense, we prevailed!!! Just another day in paradise!!!



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